Hello, and welcome to my advice blog! If you’re wondering who I am, and what authority do I have to offer you writing advice, then you will find all you need to know here.

I have been writing stories since I was 6 years old. My earliest story was writing and drawing my first comic book “MANGLOR” way back in the 2nd grade. In the 4th grade, our teacher had as an assignment for everyone to write their own short chapterbook. Mine was an Encyclopedia Brown knockoff called “Rex Mariner: Kid Detective.” And in the 5th grade, our English teacher gave us an hour everyday of “fluency” writing where we wrote about whatever we felt like writing about. I wrote a serialized sci-fi satire story called “Time Battler: Soldier of the Future” which I was encouraged to read aloud to the class.

Flash forward to now, and I now have quite a few publishing credentials on my resume. I wrote, illustrated and self-published two monthly comic books while in high school. I was an entertainment journalist for 4 years at the Michigan Daily Newspaper while in college. I wrote and illustrated comic book stories for two different anthology books during that time, too. I’ve had three short stories and a poem published since graduating, one of those stories placing third in a national fantasy story contest. I’ve written and illustrated two weekly webcomics. I’ve contributed articles for two different magazines; a trade journal and a consumer magazine. And that’s all before you count the four novels, graphic novel and illustrated chapbook I’ve written and gotten published. So as you can see, I do know a thing or two about how to tell a story.

I want to share my experiences and insights with other writers as a way to inspire, motivate and educate them on aspects of being a writer that they either haven’t given much thought to, or would benefit from additional insight about. I don’t claim to be any kind of end-all-be-all authority or guru about writing, but I do know what worked and didn’t work for me, and I can see what is working in other mediums that might help your stories. I hope you can use that information to improve as a writer & storyteller, and get the most out of your God-given talent and wild ideas. Hope you enjoy.

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Improve your writing and storytelling with advice from a published author!


Quan is a published novelist, journalist, boardgame creator, cartoonist, and musician. He has written four novels with many more on the way, and he enjoys sharing the lessons he learned about storytelling with others.